Monday, January 26, 2009

on-line begins

Yay!  Kristy Smith is our instructor.  She was in the 10 week school with me in 2005, so I know her somewhat more personally.  I am so excited to learn from her :)  If you ever want an example of someone who committed to a goal, it is Kristy.  She is honest about her journey and it's ups and downs, so it makes it very special to have her facilitate my journey.  I know she's really put her heart into it.  
     Yesterday was really nice.  Lori and I took Victor and Tequila to the outdoor arena and turned them loose for a while.  They grazed, kicked up their heels for a while, and then Tequila and I had a really great liberty session, and a bridleless ride.  Very fun and relaxing.  As of today, no more riding.  When you're in an online or liberty class, they want you focusing on those Savvys.  Today was downright hot!  80 degrees!  We had a demo of the 7 games and what they should look like in L4, which was really helpful.  Then I did a session with James Roberts on porcupine game in the sensitive zones such as ears, tail, hocks, etc.  I've done all these things, but I have been really looking at the quality of what I've been getting.  Porcupine game in general is good, but I got some introversion when leading by the ear.  I used a lot of retreat and within minutes, he was totally on board.  I also found a hole in zone 1, with leading by the lip, and when playing with falling leaf and backwards S.  Tequila could act like more of a partner and follow the feel rather than avoiding it.  It has been and still is really helpful to keep the feet moving.  It's gotten rid of a lot of introverted moments, and is building his ability to go forward with purpose.  Today, he actually let out a few mighty bucks while cantering on the 45 ft.  Usually he does not get engaged enough for such things, so it was cool!  
      I'm still trying to build good habits of staying focused in the moment, and taking that away from the barn.  I definitely need some more emotional fitness.  I am such a cry baby!  Seriously!  A Hallmark commercial can do me in!  Sometimes when I cry I am RB, and I feel as scattered as I look.  Other times, I just need a release.  If I'm going to ask my horse to be more mentally, emotionally, and physically collected, I really need to do the same of myself.  
      Today, I caught some of the assumptions that I made with my horse, but I missed some I made with my husband.  denial, blame, anger, chaos ensued, mostly directed at myself!  In order to offer your partner the best deal possible, you have to be able to be in the moment with yourself too.  Something to play with....    

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I might as well admit're not alone...I'm a crier too.

    Thanks again for your blog! I'm really enjoying your insights. Can't wait to hear more when you get back - Julie
