Thursday, January 29, 2009

Foggy mornings

It rained today.  Overall the week was hot and humid.  Often, a thick fog filtered through the ranch in the early mornings, but the sun burned it off pretty quickly.  Kristi was right...the middles can be so hard.  But as hard as times this week were, great friendships were made, old friendships were refined, and being self-aware has taken on a whole new meaning.  My relationship with Tequila continues to be very good.  I believe that he is allowing me to explore the other areas in my life that I need to apply the principles of PNH to.  It is time, it is necessary, and I am ready.  The fog is lifting. 
     There's an amazing thing happening in America this weekend, and I'm not talking about the superbowl!  This weekend is the first Celebration event in TN.  Besides being the first event of it's kind, this event is very important in other ways.  Pat and Linda will be unveiling huge changes in Parelli.  Here at the Center, we know nothing, but there is huge anticipation of the announcements.  All these changes for the better will be posted on as of Sunday.  I, personally, cannot wait, so I've been catching the play by play updates on twitter. For those of you who don't know, go to  It is a free site where you can recieve continuous information from Sue and Niel directly from the Celebration. 
     My parents are coming this weekend!  After some hindrance from the weather, they will be arriving Saturday and staying through Sunday.  I'm so excited.  They don't get a chance to see me play with my horse very often, and my Dad takes awesome pictures, so look for some to be posted here and on Facebook soon!   

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