Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's a very warm (70) sunny day here in FL.  I spent the morning doing computer stuff, and planning for The Horse First Farm with Lori and Farrah and Michelle.  We have so much to do and plan!  The time from Midwest Horse Fair to our grand opening at the end of May will be crazy!!  So, I guess I'll enjoy my time here while I can ;)  I'll go hang with my horse this afternoon, but kind of take it easy.  We have finesse week coming up, and we played quite a bit yesterday.  We had a great bridleless ride in the 75ft round pen, got a voluntary water crossing with the promise of an apple, AND all 4 ft. on the pedestal!  There are two main play areas, one being a hilly open playground with some jumps, carwash, pedestal, bridge, and trailer.  The other is called the enchanted forest and has many large trees, so it offers a lot of shade, ponds and a stream, jumps, bridges, carwash, a large arena, and a couple large round pens.  There are two honeycombs to play with.  For those of you who aren't familiar with a honeycomb, it is a series of 4 50ft. round pens inside of a large round pen.  There are lots of opportunities for practicing patterns and riding in enclosed areas of varying sizes.  We're going to build a honeycomb at The Horse First.  
     My complementary half, Aaron, is holding his own in blustery WI.  He's doing such a great job taking good care of the animals.  I think my houseplants might even still be alive when I get back!  His spirits are up, and I am so grateful to have his support and even encouragement.  Thank you honey!
      I am really making a concerted effort to be aware of other's personalities through the horsenality filter.  A big realization I made (Aaron, you'll appreciate this) is that I have trouble getting out of my head, or my own little world, and Tequila does the same.  He's a loner in the herd.  Though we're happy there, we can grow by being able to be more present with others.  Applying this idea to my roles with the people around me is overwhelming, but exciting.  OK...maybe I'm not excited, but interested in exploring this.  


  1. Hey Gretchen-Your posts are great! Sounds like you are learning a ton-about many different things. They are reminding me to keep my brain open-so thank you!
    Kari & Vegas(he is thankful for my open brain!)

  2. Gretchen - I am just so impressed and wowed by you.
