Monday, January 12, 2009

I have no idea how this works

Ha ha!  I hope this works, because I would love to share some of this experience with my friends and family.  Any advice on blogging would be great, because I'd love to share pictures and links as well on here.  I'll try to post a few times a week.  I'll start by just describing the scene around me.  I'm on my mac, along with 4 others.  There's wireless in the lodge, so as students and faculty trickle in, I can keep in touch with the outside world fairly easily.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided, and are fabulous!  Healthy choices abound, including fresh fruit, a full salad bar, a hearty meal of Beef brisket, baked potato, asparagus, and a vegetarian meal.  Down the table, Lori, Farrah, and Michelle are discussing some interesting x-rays of the internal structures of a horse's feet, and how the problem can be approached while keeping the horse barefoot.  Since it's our second day of class, students are looking for new faces to sit by at dinner, so as to meet new people and share their excitement.  Inevitably, they are expressing to each other a fantastic, but very simple moment that they had with their horse today.  Or perhaps they're sharing a BFO (blinding flash of the obvious) that they had about themselves, which very well may not be horsemanship related at all.  As we all know, this program is not about the horse and all about the horse at the same time.   


  1. Hey Gretchen it is Kari-I started up my blog a week or so ago and think I have the ropes down so let me know if you have any questions! I think if you can navigate facebook you will have no problemo with this! I am so excited to hear about your journey!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Gretchen,
    Isabella and I are glad to read about your fantasic experience!! Have fun!!!

  4. Hi Gretchen -- I'm sure you are a lot warmer than we are here.....I am taking a blog class on line that just started through
    so eventually I can give you some tips but pretty new to blogs myself. One assignment this week is to read 10 blogs and comment on several -- you just helped me with my assignment! Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences.
