Monday, February 2, 2009

I put my shoes back on

      Farrah and Michelle have been running around in these wacky shoes!  They are called Vibram five fingers.  They look like gloves for your feet.  People notice them everywhere we go, so I have heard the explanation many times.  They allow you to protect your feet from the ground, but don't inhibit natural foot function.  The human foot was designed by evolution to carry us.  Conventional shoes basically immobilize the foot, and don't allow it to function at all.  Then start adding in heels and lifts and arch support, and these additions start to cause compensations through the rest of your body as you try to balance your feet.  Their explanations included such wondrous changes in their bodies such as breathing deeper, improved posture, improved flexibility, etc. and all literally from the moment they put them on.  I will admit that I was skeptical.  Surely they were exaggerating.  Yesterday Lori, my Mom and I went to try them on, and lo and behold, we all left with a pair.  They really are quite amazing.  My feet felt like they were coming out of hibernation.  The first afternoon I wore them, I literally felt fatigued throughout my body, and literally immediate release of tension in my lower back.  My posture walking out of the store was that of the woman my Mother has been trying to produce for years, usually by using her thumb in my shoulder blade.  So this was all cool, until today when we had an outdoor session and it was pouring rain.  I took of my Vibram five fingers and put back on my boots.  IMMEDIATELY my lower back knotted, and spasms shot up into my shoulders and neck.  Standing square felt awkward, and as I reached down to pick up a pen on the ground, my knees bent and twisted.  5 minutes earlier with the Vibram's on, I could touch the ground with the palms of my hands and did not have to bend my knees at all.   COOL!    


  1. Okay, they are really wierd looking!

  2. Your new shoes sound like what natural hoof care practitioners have been yelling about for years!

  3. I wouldn't try wearing them around Wisconsin anytime soon. Not because we're not open to new ideas or anything :) It's just that they're probably not meant for sub zero temperatures. They look like those funky socks with toes that we wore when we were younger.

    Any insider news on when the new assessments will be posted? Nothing on the website yet...
