Sunday, February 15, 2009

getting settled in

The adjustment period hasn't been made easier by the several days of sickness I've endured :(  Some kind of upset stomach, tired, achy, headachy thing.  I think it's fading.  I haven't seen Tequila since I got back on Tuesday.  I've been trying to catch up on bills, taxes, household animals.  I suppose he could use a few days to resettle as well.  But starting Tuesday, I will be spending horsey time with Tequila and Lady 4 mornings a week for 3 hours.  This is set in stone!  The first order of business is taping some footage to accompany my application to Pat's Mastery program.  Then, taping an on-line audition by March 1st.  It's time to get that green string taken care of!  Geez! 
Rosie, Our Golden Retriever had to have a hematoma removed from her ear flap on Thursday.  I've been battling chronic yeast hypersensitivity since she was 4 months old.  I've treated it with steroids several times and it returns within 10 days of discontinuing them.  She's seen several holistic veterinarians, had acupuncture, chinese herbs, dietary therapy, etc.  Some things help, but nothing has ever given her complete relief.  She is currently on a course of oral and topical steroids and an antibiotic since her ear has an incision which is draining and quilt like stitches to help the flap heal together again.  I'm also going to test her thyroid levels.  Even though it would be unlikely at her age and she shows no other symptoms a thyroid disorder is still a possibility.  I'm hoping to make an appointment with Chris Bessent from the Milwaukee area, and I'm also considering trying homeopathy.  She is such a great dog though, and everything I went looking for in a Golden Retriever.  It just goes to show the pitfalls in buying a purebred dog even when you try to choose wisely from a reputable breeder.  

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